Friday, June 26, 2009

Tired talk

My good director friend Marc Morgenstern has been offered a full-time job as a director, which is pretty impressive but also means big things for me. I know I claim to not depend on people but this gets me closer to what I want. I don't plan on asking him to "hook me up", I realize a lot of hard work goes into what we do, so I plan on impressing him with my own short films. He hasn't said it but I know he considers me his protege. He just let me borrow his HD camera so I have two cameras (the others is Nazeems) to record interviews with celebrities (I'll get to that afterwards). Tomorrow I will be on set with him at Pie in the Sky studios in downtown Toronto shooting a commercial. I remember more than six months ago when I was first about to hit the set for a Saturday shoot and I was nervous as fuck. I know a lot of you remember this because I kept telling everyone how scared I was because of my lack of knowledge and experience, it was my first time on a real set and I didnt know what was coming my way. It really talk me never to ignore an opportunity regardless of how seemingly frightening it can be because it turned out to be a terrific shoot. People were unusually friendly towards me, the producers, the PA's, the photographer all liked me, which is uncannily contrary to what I've heard of stories of showbiz crews. They were guiding and gave useful advice, and I swear I learned more on that one day on set with those people than I did in four years worth of film courses at UofT (then again that was all theory). Since then I do my best to say no to even the shittiest opprtunity.
Tomorrow I'm actually looking forward to seeing these guys again. I'll be honest, I'm not really excited to do all the physical work I did, but I'm trying to ignore it because this is a learning experience for me and I have it at my fingertips, no saying no now. The producer really likes me, I can tell because he drove me and the other PA's home, but gave me advice on what to have if I do decide to be a production assistant part-time. I'm lucky to have found this people, I consider myself blessed. There's also free food on set, and the caterers will be me.
Marc and I.

As for the celebrity interviews, yes I'm working with a freelance reporter for Vervegirl magazine(Sharlotte Lawrence) as an unpaid videographer/photographer. Unpaid because I've known her throughout my four years and UofT and I'm looking to expand my portfolio rapidly within the next six months (and it's going much better than expected). This videographer gig is allowing me to better my technical knowledge of video and sound equipment, and Nazeems camera and Marc's camera work well enough for me to apply a high degree of creativity to the shoots (mind you creativity is limited while shooting an interview). It's funny how my friend Abdi was with me during last weeks shoot and he and Sharlotte are hounding me about how I want the shot; it's not until I finish explaining to them the layout of the interview and how I want it done that I realize, My God, I sound like a professional director. Look at me! Haha. We've already interviewed three Canadian bands, next week is Billy Talent!
Sharlotte, Crystal Antlers, Abdi.

I realize that a lot of people would desert their companions in the prospect of fame. But when fame leaves them they have nowhere to turn to, unless you have a forgiving friend. I've seen and heard of stories like this on TV and in autobiographies and it makes me wonder, if I'm presented with an opportunity like that would I act the same way? I certainly wouldn't leave my friends or family, but there would be an absence while I work my way up. Remember these words loyal readers, because if I do go missing one day you can rest assured I'm coming back for everyone who was there for me...EVERY one; and I have a good memory so I know who falls into the category of EVERY one. Even the littlest speck of respect or an available helping hand, you will be rewarded greatly. If you think I'm lying, or you feel like I will when I'm off and it looks like I'm not coming back, just know this blog will be here forever (unless blogspot crashes), so just copy/paste the last paragraph of this blog and send it to me and I will reply with an assuring comment, letting you know my promise is still valid. To the EVERY ones, you know damn well who you are, I know half of you are reading this right now. But remember, the promise is only initiated if I get that opportunity. Key word: IF.


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