Saturday, February 13, 2010

Suggestions on Losing Weight and Eating Right: Based on An Article in the February 2010 Issue of Reader's Digest

(Based on an article by Joe Kita and Anne Mullens

I read recently that the WHO released an internationally-based report in October of 2009 that said more people worldwide die from overeating than starvation. The following is taken from an article that exemplifies several ways (taken from the February 2010 issue of Reader's Digest) foreign countries act in the interest of controlling their diet and weight.

Thailand: spices -spices are a tasty addition to food and not only do they increase your metabolism, but they also slow your eating. Slower eating is better, as France advocates through family meals.

France: leisure family meal-92% of French families eat dinner together. These meals last half an hour to an hour depending on the day of the week. A study shows it takes twenty minutes for your brain to realize your full from the time that you actually are. Which is why eating with a family leisurely and patiently puts a leash on the hunger and prevents you from eating less. Over the last twenty years, Statistics Canada has shown that there has been a decline in the length and frequency of the family dinner.

Netherlands: Biking. Swap the car for the bike! Saves money and boosts activity.

Brazil: Eat rice and beans. A lot of Brazilians traditionally eat rice and beans with almost every meal. This dish is low in fat and high in fiber and this balances out blood-sugar levels.

Poland: Eat home more than you eat out. Poles eat out on only 5% of their family budget, not a lot, right? Like biking, it saves you money. People are more likely to eat unhealthy food when they eat out than when they're at home.

Germany: Breakfast. 75% of Germans eat their breakfast! This includes fruit, breads (whole wheat of course), and whole-grains cereals. British researches have shown that if you haven't eaten your breakfast, the first sighting of a high-calorie food will make you want to indulge.

Hungary: Crunch more pickles. Also, bell peppers, cucumbers, cabbage and tomatoes. The vinegar that is in these products contains acetic acid, which lowers blood-pressure and formation of fat.

Japan: Nap. Sleep deprivation has two effects: lower leptin levels, and higher ghrelin levels. Leptin is a hormone that makes the brain sense when you are full, and ghrelin is a hormone that triggers hunger. A good sleeping pattern and a 20-30 minute daily nap will keep your system level.

Mexico: The Mid-day buffet. Eat most of your day's calories at mid-day. If you eat less and at night you feel hungry in the morning and eat a bigger breakfast. This is helpful in weight control.


Here are some top fat-burning foods:

Fresh fruits
Lemon juice and honey
Wheat and grain products
Chicken and turkey breast (non-fried)
Skim milk
Green veggies

Hope you all learned something! Now use it!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Super Easy Chicken Curry Recipe

Yo folks!

I haven't updated my blog in a while...I know my apologies.

Here's a really simple chicken curry recipe I perfected the first time I tried it. I got off a site that no longer exists so I thought I'd share it with you. This recipe is for beginners and those who don't want to buy a lot of ingredients or are afraid they won't know what to buy and how much of it because the modern grocery store bombards you with a plethora of variations of the same item. So first, I'll start with what you will need (these are all very easy to find!):

boneless/skinless chicken breast (they're usually four pieces in a package)
cream (like the kind you put in coffee)
1/4 curry paste
garlic (just one of those)
medium sized onion (about the size of 2 golf balls)
olive oil

...and that's it.

Cooking instructions:

1. So first we want to cut the onion, garlic, and chicken breast down to size. I suggest you whistle while you work, or have the radio on. This will make you feel like a pro. We want the onion to be chopped into little bits, little tiny ones. Prepare about a handful of those tiny pieces. We want to do the same with the garlic, except just use one clove (a single garlic is made up of 6 I believe). Leave these both aside for later. If you get 4 chicken breasts in the package you buy, cut them each in half, giving you 8 pieces. Put these aside.

2. Put a pan on the stove, light it up to medium heat. Put 3 tablespoons of olive oil into the pain and add the onions and let them simmer and squeal for a minute.

3. After the minute is up...add the chicken and torture it until is white on the outside. This is evidence that it is edible. This should take 5-6 mins.

4. After your chicken has become Caucasian, add the garlic and stir it with the chicken for 2-3 minutes. Everything in the pan should turn golden brown.

5. After the 2-3 mins are up, add the spices (tumeric, cumin, coriander) and a bit of salt if desired. Add about a quarter tablespoon of each except the cumin, add 1/2 a tbspn of that.

6. Stir (d'uh)

7. Remember that cream and curry paste that was on your ingredients list? Guess what, throw them in...they're not getting away that easy. Stir everything and you should see a delicious preparation of chicken curry from your own hand in less than 2 minutes.


NOTE: You may wish to add salt to the cooked dish if desired.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year folks!...Sri Lanka '09

It's been almost two months since I've been at my writer's cubicle in my lone office building I call my fishtank, but Happy New Year's guys. My boy Abdi put it simply by saying resolutions shouldn't wait until New Years, that's why I as well urge you all to pursue DAILY goals this year and be happy with yourself. I did it for me in '09 and it's a formula that works, therefore I'll keep it up in '10. It felt weird saying '10 out loud.

The final days of '09 were hectic for me and full of circumstance and happenstance I couldn't see coming from a mile away. If someone told me in January of '09 that I'd be experiencing all the things that I would be by the end of the year I'd have told them to go to hell, more on this later though. I'm delineating now and will be finishing the blog with what my time in Sri Lanka was like, you MIGHT want to read it.


Instead of having one long drawn-out post of my adventure I've decided to break it down into categories:


The reason for these being that bulk reading(such as the reading invested into my most lengthy posts) should be selective for some people, so I'm giving you that luxury in hopes you will read it in parts, or be a normal reader and read it sequentially, which won't matter because you could still read it in parts and it would seem normal...ENJOY!


Currency in Sri Lanka is called RUPEES, the same RUPEES that India, Pakistan, Nepal, and Burma, although they all have different values in their respective countries. The Sri Lankan equivalent to the Candian Dollar is one one hundredth of a dollar, so...


I know you all saw the picture I posted of my show of money on facebook, which flashed an impressive display of $400 in Canadian, $100 in American, and over $1000 rupees. Well now you know that I only had a measly $10 worth in Rupees. Here is a list of actual prices and comparisons between Sri Lanka and Canada:

In Canada, adult bus fare is $2.75 Canadian, so you'd think it would cost around 275 Rupees, it actually costs 5 Rupees, which is less than a friggin' penny...and when they increased the cost from 4 Rupees, there was an outrage among public citizens! Those cheap bastards!

In Canada, a full course meal with dessert and appetizers costs anywhere between $25 to $30 at a middle class restaurant. Do you actually think it would cost between two and a half to three thousand rupees in Lanka? On the contrary, I found myself paying for EVERYONE's meals because each full course meal for a single person came to around one thousand to fifteen hundred rupees, which is about ten to fifteen bucks. Now this includes appetizer, main course, drinks, and dessert (plus 10 rupee tips lol).

In a final comparison, it costs about three dollars here to use the web at an internet cafe. For three dollars in Sri Lanka you can use the web on EVERY computer at the cafe for an hour because it only costs 20 rupees and hour, which is 20 Canadian cents.

I found myself affording a lot more things than I thought possible because I had forgotten how cheap everything was. The only thing unaffected by a currency difference was electronics which were about the same price (laptops, PC's, iPhones, etc.) and residential housing. When I went to the local Western Union every week to change my money, I'd give them 5 20's and they'd give me back 10 1000 rupee notes. Luckily the money is thinner than regular money so it didnt have to fold hard to fit in my wallet. I did have two other currencies in my wallet at the same time though and my wallet did explode, but more on that later. Everything is cheap in Sri Lanka, which is why my late grandfather (who worked as a diplomat for the UN) chose Sri Lanka to be the perfect place to retire. Great food, great weather, and a relaxed and inexpensive lifestyle.


The people are all very dark obviously. The island (also referred to as the Pearl of the Indian Ocean) is situated so close to the equator that through centuries of reproduction our skin has become a chocolate brown colour. The people here are generally nice, but because the country borders third world aspects and the GDP is so low, people don't make enough. Sri Lanka is a prime example of a community of people that are money-starved. This circumstance has mutated the character of most-low income families.
You wouldn't believe how many people would beg me for money, and when I gave them 5 rupees (5 cents), it was the start of a new life for them. The day we were leaving, our servants, driver, and gardener (who came off schedule) were waiting by our front door...NOT TO SEE US LEAVE, but because they expected a monetary gift which was tradition. Now the servants and the driver deserved it, but that damn gardener didn't do shit. He saw us once and didn't even say hi, but I gave him a single rupee coin and he said thank you. Skinny old bastard.

There are all sorts of people in SL. There are white people, a lot of asian people. I'm not too good on defferentiating the types of asians so I'll just say asians. There were black people, surprisingly. One of them had a huge afro, no lie. I saw him at the Bata shoe store at a major mall in Colombo. There were Australians in the internet cafe with me, those hard-working's your vacation! Enjoy it!

Now there are tamil and sinhalese among the Sri Lankan people. I think being tamil will mean you're secretly shunned, even though you shouldn't be. I'm sure you all read my previous post about the Tamil Tigers and their thiry-year long war with the SL army. Well the war is "over" and the leader of the LTTE was sniped in the forehead. No it wasn't a decoy one of his former general who is now a politician identified his body. Anyways, the only Tamil I heard being spoken was INSIDE the domestic sphere. EVERYWHERE outside in EVERY part of Lanka I went to they were speaking Sinhalese. Fortunately I was quick to pick up on this. My brother wasn't so smart and I noticed people looking at him when he'd say tamil words out loud and people would look at him. Now remember I don't know either language, well not anymore. So when I noticed this small trend in language happening I knew when to keep my mouth shut. Fortunately our driver knew Sinhalese so he could communicate with the rest of the outside world for us.

A few final things I'd like to point out in point form:

Grown men DO hold hands just like Russell Peters said. I saw three of them walking and two were hand-locked together while the third wandered behind in lonely pursuit.

Sri Lankan people STARE hard. Not only at foreigners but at their own. I'm 6'2 with a large afro and mocha skin and boy did they never get tired of looking at me...maybe they KNEW i was a foreigner but I highly doubt that.

Most people are easily influenced by money. Give them 10 rupeess and they're at your feet for the day. I had to be careful how much money I gave the servants and driver because too much would mean they'd expect more from my grandmother (who they work for).

The intelligent people in the country are INTELLIGENT. There is no such thing as sub-par intelligence, it's either utter dimwitttedness or bright-as-a-lightbulb intelligence.



Saturday, October 10, 2009

And then there was one

One day left to departure. Currently I'm finalizing packing and stuffing any remaining goods into whatever space I have available, careful not to exceed the maximum weight of Air Canada's regulations. One huge suitcase and two carry-on bags should hold all my belongings. I'm bringing books, music, laptop, SLR camera, and MONAAYYY.

I'm so excited to see the airport again tomorrow. I really hope everything goes as planned. I feel like a child again. I feel like I'm living in a period of breezy and tolerable summer heat from those swell 90's summer days, when my dad used to drive my brother and I to church and throw random words at us, asking us how to spell it. I beat my brother everytime, except for when my dad yelled out "phlegm", which I spelled phonetically with an "f". I reminisce back to the days when I would go abroad during my elementary school summer vacations. The days when I had probably one friend and a handful of relative that would actually miss me when I left the country and returned two and a half months later.

Oh, how things have changed. Now it's all about capturing the moment with my camera and bringing it back to you in high definition quality via facebook. Now it's about staying out late drinking and partying and laughing as a part of the tradition for the departing (me). Now I pay for the dinners and make sure I make time for my boys and girls and now I'm responsible for packing what I need to create my own experience of a vacation. My parents don't tell me what to do anymore and while I bask in the freedom of my manhood, I miss those days. Now I'm the one who has to personally make the phone calls and to relatives thanking them for their birthday cards and gifts and thoughts of me because no one will ever remind me to do so again, not like when I was a kid, never again.

So this is grownup life, realizing your responsible for everything you do. So I feel it's my responsibility to acknowledge some good people in my life. I want to give a few shout outs to the people that actually came to visit me and made time to do so before I left.

Nazeem bro first and foremost, I know you came to my door while I was sleeping on the last day and that was my bad for not being awake:P, but it was good chilling with you the entire week before and I saw your condensor mic and I have some ideas for pics we can take when I get back.

Abdi thanks for the birthday gift buddy, I didn't think you had that much money on you still owe me $100.

Farhan you owe me $300...thanks for the visits, even though you do that without asking, I'll miss you buddy.

Jasmine thanks for the ride home the other day and for the birthday present, I wish I could take it with me to Lanka but luggage limits disallow it!

Julie thanks for the camera bag and for making Shivani's two hats, I'll make sure she gets it, and wears it!:@...have a great couple of months without my blog, I know you're a big fan:P

Rayan thanks for coming out to dinner with us and for spending quality time with us man.

Marlon thanks for the silhouette, SIN MEN, I'll see you and get drunk with you when you come to tdot.

Pradip you international nigguh, thanks for the cheap and efficient suitcases and voltage converters. Hope your having a blast in India man.

Sarah thanks for the sweet card you sent me, I'm sad I didn't get to see you before I left but I will when I get back :D

Marcus it was great playing ball with you bro. Sorry I had to sell the Wii to someone else man!

George, buddy, always a pleasure. Thanks for the long talks on the phone and killing my battery lol. I look forward to playing uncharted 2 with you when I get back!

Hoskins, Sharlotte, and crew thanks for the hookups and letting me practice my craft using you guys as test subjects. Y'all will go down in history as my first subjects with my ever-expensive external flash...I assure you that will be important and someday you will be proud to say who photographed you first with his first camera and flash :D

And so off I go to a delightful 2 months (regardless of my lack of internet access) halfway across the world. I will be all over the exhuberantly overheated island of Sri Lanka and I promise to return with tons of satisfactory photographs...unless my plane crashes. Thanks to all again for the birthday wishes and presents and good old chill time. I'll see y'all when I get back!

Keep the peace!


Friday, September 25, 2009

The Joys of Travel

Since I can remember I've always loved to travel. The vacation idea was exhilarating but more so was the thought of going to an airport again. I've always loved airports. Their dab, bland colours and vast ceilings were a visual feast to my infant eyes. I never lost the passion for the structure of airports, I still love them today. I'd get excited when we'd walk to the terminal and check in the bags. Then a few hours later we'd see the plane we were boarding, the nose of the Boeing looking right at me through a gigantic glass window, me looking back at it with my hands on the glass. I don't know if maybe it was my love for airports and planes that drew to me to airports or whether I associated it with prospective good times abroad. I've been to dozens of airports around the world; Heathrow, Pearson, LAX, and Bandaranaike International in Sri Lanka just to name a few. I travelled every summer and winter break in my youth years.

Everytime I look head on at a plane, airbuses, Boeings, whatever...I wonder how long and how many parts comprise this gigantic metal bird and it nauseates me. These random ponderings make me feel like a child again. I still love airports and I plan to make a scrapbook of all the airports I've been to in the world.

The only difference between then and now, is that I have my rebel by my side :D

Thursday, September 17, 2009


So a lot of you have been questioning the status of my script and so I feel it's due time to present the facts:

-it's a short film, no more than ten minutes long.
-it takes place in the early part of the twentieth century
-there are supernatural elements to it (but no CGI)
-it revolves around a card hustler and a railroad worker playing poker during a graveyard shift
-it takes place during the construction of a major Canadian railroad
-I'll need a modest budget to film it
-it's inspired by my ninth grade english teacher, (some of you may remember, Nazeem I know you do) Ms. McGregor
-The official working title for the short is called, "Meet Abraham"

So those are the facts straight from me. I'm not finished the script yet but believe me I'm a perfectionist when I write so it will be edited THOROUGHLY before I premiere it to my close friends.

What else is new...

Marcus I'm liking the blog about scrabble lol. Same with you Nazeem I'm following the Grundy Lake blog. Keep writing guys.

I'm on the final episode of the first season of The Shield. Amazing police drama it really is. I was hooked from the very first episode. I'm afraid to watch the final episode of season 1 because I'll want to watch the second season right away, but I'll have to let Marc know I want the second season in advance. So until I talk to him, I'm resisting my viewing pleasures.

I leave for Lanka very, very soon. I'm buying suitcases and carrion, as well as clothes for tropical climates. There are going to be huge ass spiders and roaches there and I will get pictures of them.

Shout outs to all the friends that recommended me as a professional photographer, I don't know how many of you are reading this right now but I'm certainly no pro, not yet at least. I've been contacted four times in the last week for jobs and pro bono positions. I'd like to take them all but my schedule refuses me some opportunities, same with my travel plans.

I'll get back to you soon loyal readers!


Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Oh Ten Travel List

I know it'll be hard to top NYC and Sri Lanka on a travel plan that doesn't involve a place like the Alps in Switzerland or the Outback in Australia, but I'm sticking to a lowly budget and close to home. I've decided LA is a definite choice for next July/August. This was decided the second we left New York on the bus. Before this trip should come a visit to Newfoundland and Labrador, the temporary destination option, also we had the Rockies and some places in Calgary in mind. I was browsing pictures of Canada and found some terrific natural settings on the East Coast, the type you visit in dreams. They've got everything from whales to glaciers to cliffside hiking. The tourist packages also seem to run at reasonable rates so grabbing one to add to the itinerary would a prudent choice. This is a short blog because its late so I'll leave you with pictures to tantalize the senses. Enjoy!