Monday, June 15, 2009

A Storm in my Brain

After the Russell Peter's concert yesterday I came to realize that this goof is more than just a good comedian, he's an observant intellect. I admired his knowledge of cultures (aside from his impeccable impressions of them) and his capacity to know and re-present foreign slang right to the letter. When he talk about Soo-soo meaning "tits" in the Filipino language, Devin turned to me and said, "That's true." Then Pradip turned to Devin and said, "It means take a piss in Indian slang". Right then RP switches up the act and talks about exactly that. I was shocked at how well he did the Irish, the Rastas, the South Africans, the Palestinians, the Tamils (we're easy) and especially the Italians. Furthermore I loved that he performed brand new material.
You know who was just as knowledgeable as Russell Peters? My late grandfather. He knew everything about everyone. I'd like to believe I can do that same, it would be great to know about every culture out there.
My grandfather (Canaganyagam Suriyakumaran) was extremely famous in Sri Lanka. Just google that name and see. When I was small I was forced to learn about the presence of other cultures and religions in Sri Lanka. If you're done googling, you'll know he worked for the United Nations and he travelled everywhere. Of course I don't have money to travel the world (yet), but it's not a hassle to read up on shit like this.
So I am announcing the revelation of a brand-new blog in the fishtank. I'm still thinking of a title and maybe I'll have more than informative/humourous info on other cultures in it. My crew consists of more than fifteen people and nine different ethnicities : Greeks, Filipinos, Indians, Sri Lankans, Eritreans, Somalians, Tanzanians, Guyanese, Trinidadians, and my little baby cousin is half Italian, that little cutie. It would be a shame to hang around with these people and not learn about where they came from while I'm at it. Like my Greek friend Greg said just half an hour ago before we called it a night, "maybe everything happens for a reason."

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