Sunday, May 17, 2009


It's 3:45am and I've just returned from a memorable night out. My shift assessments are done at work and I now consider myself a shift manager (plus the shirt is nice:D), and the next two days are going to be exhilarating. Tonight five of us hit up a Chinese/mafia run pool hall in the east part of Tdot, played about ten games. For some odd reason my cousins and brother were there as well. Unfortunately they have beef with my boys so we didn't get into the mix. In four hours I'm supposed to be waking up and waking the rest up to go to Wonderland. Seasons passes are a blessing! I've decided to stay up the whole night and watch the final episodes of Lost (fifth season). Monday could mean a savoury BBQ on the beach, weather permitting, or some vicious paintballing at Sergeant Splatters.
I just had some chicken fried rice that burned my tongue off. It may have been the over-excessive hot sauce or the temperature heat, but I found myself missing shots all over after the meal. If you're ever looking for some satisfying rice head over to V.I.P. on Ellesmere. It's a pool hall, but you don't have to play pool, just order the rice lol.
This day also introduced me to my new position at work. I was running my own shifts and had to deal with everything from cash management to unfavourable customers to assigning tasks. It feels weird when the very people you've been working with for over a year suddenly have to ask you if they can leave early. I find I have a hard time saying "no" to them so I let them go home early. What's even stranger is that my manager had to behave like a CSR and assess my shift-managing. So I go up to Jodi and I say, "Alright Jodi, it's dying down in here, why don't you put away some returns and prepare the report printing station for me," to which she replies, "Sure thing." Our positions are equalized! No more subordination for me. It feels funny. A year ago I'd have never thought that I'd be bossing around my co-workers. I never even considered a shift manager position until they offered it to me. Anyways I found I handled it pretty well. If so many people hadn't supported my decision I probably wouldn't have taken it. I also received a lot of help from people who don't read this blog, so I won't throw out shout-outs :P. But thanks to my store and assistant manager, and my fellow shifts, and even my CSR's for not hassling me about the little things. And Jason I know you're reading this, thanks for leaving so I could take your position haha. Hope you're having fun in Korea, brother.
Anyways I'm off to my television, gotta keep up for Wonderland. I promise the next blog will be about something useful. Maybe the next couple days?
I'll let you (the readers) know how that goes;)


1 comment:

  1. BIG UPPPPS!!!!!!!

    Handle that position man, make me proud!
