Friday, July 31, 2009

The Resolution Fulfilled

By the end of 2009 I would have:

Met and been a videographer for more than five celebrities
Gotten VIP access and treatment at a Toronto nightclub
Secured a management position at work
Been on set during a commercial shoot
Been on set during a music video shoot
Been to New York City
Been to Sri Lanka
Been to Wonderland at least ten times
Been skiing AND snowboarding
Been on a boat cruise
Been to a raptors game
Received compliments on my photography and been offered a job
Learned two more piano pieces
Filmed four stop motion shorts
Learned the value of self-dependency
Produced a resume that could stand even without my previous work experience
Picked up one of the most beautiful girls on the planet
Seen Russell Peters live
Sat in the 2010 Shelby Mustang (autoshow :P)
Crushed the list of to-do's from 2008 and challenged the prospect list for 2010
Fail to have another birthday party for myself
Gotten drunk at 1pm
Been to a hotel party

The one problem with this list is that it trumps all my expectations for this year and I won't know how to top it for 2010. I have some things in mind but I mean I live with the intention of bettering it next year, but how!?

1 comment:

  1. I`m starting to feel like an effing failure next to you. Thanks. And for someone like me to feel like a failure, that`s a lot man. STOP, please. Leave me my dignity, and my pathetic little `the train that could` attitude, intact. But on the flipside, congratulations. You deserve the credit for all the hard work.
